Linux Basics for Hackers: Day 1


Danielle Brantley


April 1, 2024

Chapter 1: Getting Started with the Basics

As mentioned in a previous post, I began reading Linux Basics for Hackers by Occupy the Web. I’ll focus on the first nine chapters of this book. Recommended by GPS, I thought this would be a fun way to learn Linux. So without further delay, let’s get started!

Using Parallels as my virtualization software, I downloaded Kali Linux as my virtual machine.

Binaries - files that can be executed

Linux is case-sensitive

Directory- folder

Home-where files created are saved by default

Kali-a distribution of Linux specifically designed for penetration testing.

root - administrator/superuser account; this account can do nearly everything on the system such as re-configuring the system, adding users and changing passwords.

script - series of commands run in an interpretive environment that converts each line into source code.

shell- environment and interpreter for running commands in Linux.

terminal - command line interface (CLI)

The Linux Filesystem

Photo by Occupy the Web

/root The home directory of the all-powerful root user

/etc Generally contains the Linux configuration files-files that control when and how programs start up

/home The user’s home directory

/mnt Where other filesystems are attached or mounted to the filesystem

/media Where CDs and USB devices are usually attached or mounted to the file system

/bin Where application binaries (the equivalent of executables in Microsoft Windows or applications in macOS) reside

/lib Where you’ll find libraries(shared programs that are similar to Windows DLLs)